“GATEAKADEMIET: Springboard or A Parachute”
“GATEAKADEMIET: Springboard or A
“Life sometimes
asks for springboard or a parachute.”
A springboard to push you forward when you feel like you
have been stuck in certain point in your life or you don't have any strength or
motivations to move forward.
Or you might need a parachute to just to relax and let
your life slowly move forward, this might be very helpful for those who have
been doing too much in their life or have a lot of expectation they feel like
they need to fulfill in their life.
The above two metaphor which exactly explains the
students you meet at Gateakademiet and which is a place that can be both
springboard or parachute for them depending upon what they need.
This can be traced back to 1998 when the group of youths
in the city of Kristiansand came together to form a theater group called
UGRESS. These were the same people who were trouble maker of the city and they
needed a place to be and Ugress was that place for them. Most of the youths in
this group also has a problem of weed and alcohol. This became their place to
start something new. This group soon got attention from Kristiansand
municipality who after about a year, after the formation of Ugress, brought it
under it wings. The municipality also employed more people to this group who
would teach these youths about theater and arts and all. Then a free
organization, Ugress was directly linked to culture director in Kristiansand
On 2000 the name Ugress was changed into Gateakademiet.
On 2004 Gateakademiet became part of Samsen kulturhus. Since then,
Gateakademiet has been operating under Samsen Kulturhus.
Now Gateakademiet has been a springboard and parachute
for many students. The students cannot be attended by normal students. Almost
all the students that attended Gateakademiet, or those who are attending it
now, has the history of bullying in school or in job. The students are also
exclusion of society who find it difficult to be part of this society. These
students are in marginalized position in this society.
Those who start at the Gate Academy are usually young
people of 18-19 years old, as many boys as girls. The similarities are that
they have school problems or that they are struggling with social anxiety or
are depressed. When they come to Gateakademiet they want a break to decide if
they want to try working, study while they go to the Gateakademiet or go back
to school.
Most of the students here are special dealing with
problems inside of them which might be social, financial, physical or cultural.
Some of the examples of the students might be the student from a rich family
with too much expectation from his parents or people around him which lead him
to depression and anxiety. Other might be from a family that is struggling
economically also from child welfare or those who might have an history of
drinking or sexual abuse or addiction. Anyway whatever might be the problem,
Gateakademiet is a springboard or parachute for them.
Dropouts from high school also attend Gateakademiet.
Since Norwegian government wishes all the student to go through high school and
also have some plans in high school for those students who have problem in high
school and who are most likely to drop out. After trying everything to stay at
school there still are some students who dropout and Gateakademiet is there to
let those students in.
The main goal is not just to be springboard or parachute
for them but is also to mentally prepare them to go back to school or their
At Gateakademiet, students can learn either music or arts
or photography depending upon their interest. But giving them this knowledge is
why Gateakademiet is there. The main purpose is to be a safe place for these
students and help he/she gain his/her self-confident back.
The Gateakademiet is usually based on individual. In
every season one staff will have six students at most. The advantage of this is
the students gets more attention from staff. The students will also be able to
find that safe place here where he/she can be himself or herself. Also focuses
on students forming good relationship with the staffs who will be there and
walk with them through rest of their lives. Rather than just showing them the
way ahead, Gateakademiet focuses on walking together with the students in rest
of their journey.
Gateakademiet has been successful so far. In last five
years around 150 students have been part of this program. 60% of our students
who attend Gateakademiet return to secondary school, 10% start university and
30% find a job.
Coming from the developing country like Nepal and seeing
what government here come together with the city and its people to make sure
their youths get all the help they need was very impressive. I am very grateful
to be able to be part of this program. It also inspires me to see people with
new perspectives and do more for all those going through problems like mental
health, addiction and violence.
To all those who are going through some difficulties, I
would like to tell them to not lose their hope and find a place like
Gateakademiet where they are always welcome and always have someone for them.
I would also like to encourage you all to come around people like them and help them the way you can.
I would also like to encourage you all to come around people like them and help them the way you can.
For more
information about Gateakademiet and other youth activities at Samsen kulturhus
you can visit www.samsen.com
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